A Bronze subscription is the gateway into the AIC for those not yet aware of how beneficial the AIC can be to their business. With an incredibly low first-time sign-up cost of just $1,500 you will easily recoup that value and more by ordering your two free 3D Scan data packs. As a subscriber, you have exclusive access to our vehicle database, and use your complimentary vouchers for accessing vehicles, our workshop and custom 3D scanning for the next 12 months to support your product development needs.
Our Silver subscription is for companies with a requirement for 3D scan data from our data library, and are already well aware of the incredibly high quality of our data packs. Much like the Bronze membership, once you download your 3 free data packs you are already in front and then reap rewards of an incredible suite of vouchers including $500 of testing services off your first test.
Gold Subscription is for companies with a massive product development appetite. Over $6,000 in testing and GVM vouchers to be used for under $7,000 first time entry! Extra benefits like discounts hiring our training room and workshop for events, and rental of our vehicles to help your product development needs. In total a massive $11,500 of benefits in this package!
The AIC Platinum subscription is an ultra-exclusive opportunity for the industry elites. Just 7 spots are available with first right of refusal upon renewal time. Each Platinum Subscriber will have their logo placed high on the walls of the AIC for maximum exposure from our workshop and training facilities. They will also receive exclusive use of the AIC facility, vehicles and staff for filming, and an invitation to our annual VIP event. There is no need to elaborate further, you know who you are. Give us a call!